Restoration of Hope Ministries: A Beacon of Apostolic and Prophetic Power

Located in Pelham, Georgia, Restoration of Hope Ministries is a unique and powerful ministry, anointed with a strong apostolic and prophetic mandate. Our ministry stands as a catalyst for Kingdom advancement, breaking through barriers and positioning the Church to fulfill its divine purpose across the nations. We are dedicated to mobilizing an army of transformed lives, empowering and reforming leaders one individual at a time. We believe we are the solution, living for God's glory.

Our Mandate and Mission from God

Scripture References:

  • Matthew 10:1-15 / 28:19-20 (AMP)

  • Mark 16:15-18

  • Luke 24:47-48 (KJV)

  1. Soul-Winning and Proclaiming the Kingdom:

    • Preach the Good News, declaring, “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”

    • Exercise power and authority over unclean spirits, driving them out.

    • Bring freedom through healing and deliverance, raise the dead, and cast out devils.

    • Experience supernatural breakthroughs of miracles, signs, and wonders by the power of the Holy Ghost.

  2. Equipping and Empowering Disciples:

    • Equip generations to live a Kingdom purpose-driven life.

    • Encourage an intimate relationship with God and the pursuit of destiny.

    • Offer teachings and impartations through local and international conferences, power sessions, training modules, online webinars, and streaming.

    • Distribute resources such as books, CDs, mp3s, manuals, and other media.

  3. Global Reformation Initiatives:

    • Support health, housing, education, and community development initiatives worldwide.

    • Develop strategic alliances with five-fold ministry leaders to build a Kingdom mentality and advance the Kingdom of God.

    • Facilitate global transformation through Prayer, Intercession, and Spiritual Warfare strategies.

    • Collaborate with saints and apostolic and prophetic teams for breakthrough intercession, leadership training, and deliverance ministry.

  4. Community and Governmental Impact:

    • Impact communities, governments, and generations through empowerment.

    • Foster strong relationships and joint partnerships with other apostolic churches, networks, and governmental leaders.

    • Develop interactive alliances with dignitaries for Kingdom advancement.

  5. Commissioning Servant Leaders:

    • Identify, equip, and publicly commission servant leaders through licensing and ordination.

    • Release emerging apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers raised up by God throughout the nations.

    • Perfect the saints for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12).

Join us in this divine mission as we work together to advance the Kingdom of God, transforming lives and nations for His glory.